
  1. Բառերը ճիշտ դասավորելով ստացիր նախադասություններ:

Օրինակ՝ /always, early, Sue, arrive/- Sue always arrives early.

  • /basketball, I, play, often/ I often play basketball
  • /work, Ann, hard, usually/ Ann usually works hard
  • /Jenny, always, nice clothes, wear/ Jenny always wears  nice clothes
  • /dinner, we, have, always, at 7.30/ we always have dinner at 7.30
  • /TV, Tom, watch, never/ Tom never watches TV
  • /like, chocolate, children, usually/ children usually like chocolate
  • /Lulia, parties, enjoy, always/ Lulia always enioyes  parties


  1. Հետևյալ բառերը տեղադրիր համապատասխան նախադասություններում`boil, close, cost- արժենալ/, meet, open, speak, teach, wash/
  • Ann speaks four languages.
  • In Britain banks usually open at 9.30 in the morning.
  • The City museum closes at 5 o’clock in the evening.
  • Mary is a teacher. She teaches English.
  • My job is very interesting. I meet a lot of people.
  • Peter washes his hair twice a week.
  • Food is expensive. It costs a lot of money.
  • Water boils  At 100 degrees Celsius.


  1. Նախադասությունները դարձրեք ժխտական:

Օրինակ՝ I play the piano. I don’t play the piano.

  • Ann plays the piano very well. Ann doesn`t play the piano very well.
  • They know my phone number. They don`t know my phone number
  • We don`t work very hard.
  • He doesn`t have a bath every day.
  • You don`t do the same thing every day.

4.Բայերը գրիր ճիշտ ժամանակաձևով/ ձևով/


Examples: He is (be) often tired. They like (like) ham and eggs.

  1. They have a cold. (have)
  2. She gets up at seven. (get up)
  3. We have breakfast at eight. (have)
  4. Peter goes to school. (go)
  5. Anna gets home at two. (get)
  6. He wants an ice cream. (want)
  7. Kelly watches TV. (watch)
  8. She does her homework. (do)
  9. Our teacher lives in Oxford Street. (live)
  10. Eric and Tom wear blue shirts. (wear)
  11. My sister sings a song. (sing)
  12. My mum cooks spaghetti. (cook)
  13. Mr Black works in his office. (work)
  14. The girls often read a book. (read)


  1. Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբերակը:


1. My parents live near Chennai.


are living



  1. I visit my parents twice a month.


am visiting


  1. ‘What are you doing there?’ ‘I am watching



am watching


  1. I follow you wherever you are going


are going



6. What do snakes eat ?

do, eat

are, eating

are, eat

7. How do I get to the airport?

do, get

am, getting

do, getting

8. I like apples very much.


am liking



10. Why is she standing on the table?

does, stand

is, standing

does, standing

11. The temple stands on a hill outside the town.

is standing




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